Juan José Guiamet


Investigador Principal, CONICET                                           Profesor Titular, Cát. Fisiología Vegetal (FCNyM)                          Profesor Titular interino, Cát Fisiología Vegetal (FCAyF)

PhD. Botánica (Dep.of Biology, Michigan University,USA, 1997)                Ingeniero Agrónomo (FCA, UNR, 1979) 

Temas de interés: El síndrome de la senescencia monocárpica en plantas de cultivo: regulación e impacto en el contenido de proteínas de los granos

Últimos trabajos publicados:

*Antonietta, M., Maydup, M.L., Cano, M.G., Fanello, D.D., Acciaresi, H. & Guiamet, J.J. (2021).Yield determinants, root distribution and soil water uptake in maize hybrids differing in canopy senescence under post-silking drought. Functional Plant Biology, 48(11) 1124-1138. doi:10.1071/FP21138.

*Tambussi E.A.; Maydup, M.L.; Carrión, C.A.; Guiamet, J.J.; Araus, J.L. (2021). Ear photosynthesis in C3 cereals and its contribution to grain yield: methodologies, controversies and perspectives. Journal of  Experimental Botany, 72 (11):3956-3970. doi:10.1093/jxb/erab125.

*Kelly S.J.; Cano, M.G.; Fanello, D.D.; Tambussi, E.A.; Guiamet, J.J. (2021). Extended photoperiods after flowering increase the rate of dry matter production and nitrogen assimilation in mid maturing soybean cultivars. Field Crops Research, 265, 108104. doi: 10.1016/j.fcr.2021.108104

*Antonietta, M., Girón, P., Martini, G., Maydup, M.L., Micheloud, J., Paolini, M., Guiamet, J.J., Satorre, E. (2021). Balance de P en el cultivo de soja: ¿Fertilizar o no fertilizar? esa no es la cuestión. Revista MDA, 2 (2): 69-75. Disponible en: RevistaMDA_vol02-n02_072021.pdf - Google Drive.  

*Borniego, M.L.; Molina, M.C.; Guiamet, J.J.; Martínez, D.E. (2020). Physiological and proteomic changes in the apoplast accompany leaf senescence in Arabidopsis. Frontiers in Plant Science, 10: 1635. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2019.01635.

*Maydup,M.L., Antonietta,M., Rouillet,N., Cano,M.G., Guiamet,J.J. & Tambussi,E.A. (2020). Methodological aspects and impact on grain weight of source reduction through shade meshes during grain filling of bread wheat. Crop & Pasture Science, 71 (8): 739-751. doi:10.1071/CP18565.

*Tambussi E.A.; Guiamet, J.J.; Bartoli, C.G. (2020). Chapter 19: Cross-tolerance to abiotic stress at different levels of organization: Prospects for scaling up from laboratory to field. En: Hossain, M.A., Liu, F., Burritt, D.j., Fujita, M. & Huang, B. Priming-mediated stress and cross-stress tolerance in crop plants. Academic Press, Elsevier, pp. 317-327. link.


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